AT&T’s CruiseCast was discontinued.
A pretty interesting new option in automotive entertainment but definitely an expensive one is AT&T‘s new service called CruiseCast. The idea is that you can mount a satalite receiver on top of your car and get TV in your car while traveling. This antena connects to a box which converts the stalite feed and then routes that to TVs mounted in your car.
In order to get the service you have to shell out around $1,300 and then pay a monthly fee of $28. You could buy each of your 4 kids a new 32GB iPhone 3G S and still have some money over to help pay off the additional data charges. They would be able to choose their content better and play video games on them when they get bored. The funny part is they advertise it as 40 channels plus which seems like just a portion of the channels that you get with a basic satellite package however 20+ of those channels are music channels which means nothing being that you have a radio or hopefully some way of playing your own music. However what is interesting is that they claim to have a coverage area of the whole entire United States. And in case you are traveling through a tunnel of in between New York City skyscrapers, the equipment buffers the video so that you can go 3 minutes without signal until you would know.

- Image via Wikipedia
There is a lot of gathering excitement and anticipation as Apple‘s WWDC convention is coming up in a couple weeks. This event is traditionally where Apple steps to the podium and presents their new products (new iPhone 3G). I will admit that I can’t wait to see the details of the exciting new product as having access to the beta of the 3.0 software has already increased my excitement.
However with all of the rumors that are going around, there is a wide area for disappointment. Some of the specs seem too good to be true but we can always cross our fingers and hope. I hope for an enhanced 3G iPhone with 256MB of RAM, 600 MHz processor, 3.2 MP auto focus camera, with 32 GB of storage. We will just have to wait til the 8th @ 10:00AM. I’ll be up to watch the keynote live. Sleep or no sleep. 🙂

- Image by Getty Images via Daylife
Starbucks has just announced their brand new VIA Instant coffee. The best part is they are offering a limited complimentary sample. To receive your free sample head on over to I don’t normally drink coffee but this is actually one cup that I may try. However I’ll leave it up to the true professionals to gauge how great the new brews are.
Starbucks VIA™ Ready Brew is rich, full-bodied Starbucks® coffee in an instant. Unlike traditional instant coffee, which lacks the essential oils that give coffee its flavor and aroma, ours is made with the highest-quality arabica beans, finely ground to release their fullest flavor. Try these samples and discover a whole new way to make great coffee at home or on the go.
<3 you Starbucks! 🙂

- Image by Getty Images via Daylife
This article just makes me sick when I read it. The thought that in South Korea, the government is creating jobs to increase the internet bandwidth 10 times when here in America, their current speed is already 67 times what I get on a high speed internet connection. It’s true I don’t have the fastest internet connection but they are still about 10 times faster than any residential service we have in America. That means with their upgrade their internet will be 100 times faster than ours. It also means that individuals in South Korea will get faster connections than corporations do in America. A house in South Korea right now gets as much bandwidth as the school of 4,000 students that I attend. This is after our school just doubled their bandwidth because of complaints. UGH! It hurts really bad to think that our bandwidth could be significantly higher. This is one area in which America is significantly behind and really needs to speed up. I really hope that Obama stimulates this section of our economy. It’s tough being a web designer in which transferring files can take hours upon hours whereas in other countries it could take less than one. What a waste of productivity. This also means that communications companies in South Korea can provide much better services to their customers. I vote for more bandwidth!
South Koreans could see 1Gbps web connections by 2012 – Engadget.