- Image via Wikipedia
Reeling with excitement, I have no desire of falling asleep now. In 6 hours, Apple will release their new Apple tablet. I cant wait to hear about how Steve Jobs introduces this one. Supposedly a 10″ touch-screen tablet closely resembling a flattened first generation iPhone. It should have 3G connectivity, a front facing camera, and two dock connectors (for portrait or landscape positions). Hopefully it will have an OLED display.
It is said to be Steve Jobs’ most important product release yet. I can’t even imagine how it will surpass the iPhone. It will allow for downloads of book and most likely magazines and newspapers. You are said to interact with the tablet in a completely new way. I’m hoping it will be around $600. We shall see pretty soon.

AT&T’s CruiseCast was discontinued.
A pretty interesting new option in automotive entertainment but definitely an expensive one is AT&T‘s new service called CruiseCast. The idea is that you can mount a satalite receiver on top of your car and get TV in your car while traveling. This antena connects to a box which converts the stalite feed and then routes that to TVs mounted in your car.
In order to get the service you have to shell out around $1,300 and then pay a monthly fee of $28. You could buy each of your 4 kids a new 32GB iPhone 3G S and still have some money over to help pay off the additional data charges. They would be able to choose their content better and play video games on them when they get bored. The funny part is they advertise it as 40 channels plus which seems like just a portion of the channels that you get with a basic satellite package however 20+ of those channels are music channels which means nothing being that you have a radio or hopefully some way of playing your own music. However what is interesting is that they claim to have a coverage area of the whole entire United States. And in case you are traveling through a tunnel of in between New York City skyscrapers, the equipment buffers the video so that you can go 3 minutes without signal until you would know.