
New NETFLIX Widget

On Thursday February 21st, 2008, in Entertainment, Movies, Web, by Michael Watson

I thought it would be awesome to add a widget to my website so that I could publish the movies that I was watching through NETFLIX. When I saw this widget building page online, I knew that I should share with everyone because I thought it was pretty neat. What I thought was even more interesting and what I would never have guessed, was that NETFLIX publishes several RSS feeds that list the movies in your queue, most recent rental activity, movies at home, recommendations, and movie reviews as well as top moves and new releases.

This widget uses the information from your RSS feed from NETFLIX to display these movies on your site. To get to your RSS feed page, just log in to NETFLIX first and then scroll down to the footer and there should be an RSS link. Then once you see a feed you want to show on your site, copy that URL and go to the widget site. Specific instructions are on the widget site and also support if needed. You also have the ability to change the style of the widget like I have.

By the way I am using the blogging function in Microsoft Office 2007 to post this entry.

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Website Integrated W/ MySpace & Facebook

On Tuesday January 15th, 2008, in Plugins, Web, Wordpress, by Michael Watson
FacebookImage via Wikipedia

I’m excited to announce that I have integrated both MySpace and Facebook with my WordPress blog. This means that everyone will get to see my new posts as I publish them.

For Facebook I added the application Wordbookand then installed the plugin Wordbook

For MySpace I installed the MySpace Crossposter.

.:: EDIT ::. Jan 31, 2008

Unfortunately I have had to disable this plugin because it was not successfully adding bulletins for MySpace. With a site like MySpace they are continuously doing modifications to their url and such to prevent APIs and programs like this. I didn’t want to take the chance of getting my profile deleted or it messing up my profile.

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