
Website Integrated W/ MySpace & Facebook

On Tuesday January 15th, 2008, in Plugins, Web, Wordpress, by Michael Watson
FacebookImage via Wikipedia

I’m excited to announce that I have integrated both MySpace and Facebook with my WordPress blog. This means that everyone will get to see my new posts as I publish them.

For Facebook I added the application Wordbookand then installed the plugin Wordbook

For MySpace I installed the MySpace Crossposter.

.:: EDIT ::. Jan 31, 2008

Unfortunately I have had to disable this plugin because it was not successfully adding bulletins for MySpace. With a site like MySpace they are continuously doing modifications to their url and such to prevent APIs and programs like this. I didn’t want to take the chance of getting my profile deleted or it messing up my profile.

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On Sunday July 29th, 2007, in Plugins, Web, Wordpress, by Michael Watson

FireStats is another great plugin I have installed in WordPress. It’s a great tool for showing page views. It breaks stats down into total pageviews and visits and then pageviews and visits from the last 24 hours. Then it displays information like referers, search terms, popular pages, browser and operating system info, and county data. Then the plugin displays information for each hit on your website. On the settings page you can exclude certain stats from known bots and ip addresses. You also have the option of installing firestats in a seperate database or adding it to another database so that you can manage stats for all your different blogs in one place. You may also install FireStats as a standalone php app, or for Django, Drupal, Gregarius, Joomla, MediaWiki, trac and WordPress.

To get the FireStats plugin..
FireStats Website (
Demo FireStats
FireStats Instructions
Download FireStats

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Photo Gallery

On Friday July 20th, 2007, in Entertainment, Photos, Plugins, Wordpress, by Michael Watson

I have opted not to install a photo gallery. I usually find them to be pretty intimidating and a pain to maintain. Instead I found a great pluging for wordpress called SimpleViewer v0.5.5 from Airtight Interactive. This plugin allows for easy installation which some plugins have been lacking lately. Its also fully automated. All you do is upload a folder of pictures and choose some options. Then the plugin will automatically create thumnails and any other nesesary files. Most importantly it looks great. Heck… you may event want to install it on your own wordpress blog or other internet website.