- Image via CrunchBase
Apple keeps on outperforming and showing great numbers all around which in my view is really amazing considering the times. Yes much of their success this quarter was in international business but economies are feeling the recession globally. I think its a great move however that Apple is taking advantage of spreading out globally. They are working hard on distributing their greatly branded products out all over the world and building flagship Apple Stores globally. If our economy isn’t ready to buy their products, another economy is. Way to go Apple! Keep on staying smart!
Unfortunately investors have hit Apple hard through the past year and even more recently through Steve Jobs‘ health concerns even though the company repeatedly shows great numbers. The success of Apple is attributed to Steve jobs and with his last declaration of medical lease many people can’t comprehend how the company will be able to survive. Jobs has said that he is still overlooking many of the big decisions in the company. Get with the program investors! Apple is worth a whole lot more then you are giving it credit for. I’m sure as Cook says that there are a lot of great employees there who are focused just like Steve is on new product and technological development and also enhancements.
- Image via Wikipedia
The VAIS Tech SoundLinQ2 SL2i device is probably one of the best purchases I have ever made. I love that the sound pumping out of my stereo is nice and crisp. I love the fact that there is no static whatsoever. That means no scanning for new channels as you pass different mountains or repositioning the iPhone or iPod so that the signal is closer to the radio. I love the fact that I can choose a song on my iPhone and then switch songs from my steering wheel as I’d like. I also have the ability to control everything like playing playlists right from the touch screen in my Toyota Prius. If you have iTunes Plus music then playing it over the stereo sounds remarkable. They also have a model that will allow you to play video right through the screen on your car. Amazing!
The fact is that before I decided to get this module installed, I had purchased 3 different FM transmitters. The first Griffin FM transmitter I purchased worked pretty well and I really loved it but the issue was that they changed the charging method on the iPhone and so that old transmitter would not charge my new 3G iPhone. Because of this, I purchased another Griffin FM transmitter however the signal of transmitter was terrible. I could plug the new one in and the old transmitter would totally trump the signal of the new one. Plus they had a auto scan feature that was just worthless. I was truly disappointed at the dismal quality of the device. Then I purchased a competing transmitter from Belkin and it was just as bad as the new one from Griffin. I was totally done with these new crappy FM transmitters and soon looked into better setups. I searching I found VAIS Tech which specializes in modules for Toyota and Lexus cars. Everyone in the forums were talking about their products so I thought I would check it out for myself. I went down to the local Al & Eds Auto Sound. I got a quote and then had them install the device. I am definitely pleased. Al & Eds Auto Sound stands behind their work and offered to remove the unit free of charge if there were ever any issues with it.
- Amazing Sound Quality
- Charge your iPhone 3G – One of the first (SL2i-UP model only)
- You can use the rest of your iPhone while listening to music.
- Control your music with the steering wheel.
- Uses Advanced noise canceling technology
- There will never be a 100% assurance that the device will work in your car.
- You cannot control both the iPod and touch screen in your car at the same time.
- In simple mode (controlling music through the iPod) you cannot display track information on the car’s touch screen.

- Image via Wikipedia
I was extremely excited when I woke up early this mornings surfing Macrumors when I found they released a Chipotle app so that you could place an order and not wait in line. i had made plans to have lunch with my mom today so as soon as I learned the news I gave her a call. I talked her into going to Chipotle and while I was on the phone I placed her on speakerphone and started ordering our lunch on my iPhone. We agreed to a time to pick it up and then I went up to the register there and our food was ready for us. We enjoyed our lunch and when I got home I received a call from a lady from Chipotle who made sure everything was satisfactory. I was deeply satisfied and very happy. I love Chipotle. 🙂
The best part is that of the app is it will remember your last and favorite orders so that you don’t have to go through the process again. The app also remembers your credit card information for ease. You decide what you want to add to you burrito, tacos or bowl and then you can also add more comments if need be.
Unfortunately Chipotle has removed the app from the Apple app store for some tweaking so it is no longer available to download right now. They are looking forward to putting it up back soon. A bunch of users have explained that the app is buggy but I had no problem with it this morning, thought it was a wonderful app, and I was pretty darn impressed by it. Although i have noticed there is a problem with the last order and favorites appearing. I will try to post the link when they post the app back up in the app store.

- Image via Wikipedia
Microsoft has just announced a new application which looks pretty interesting. This application will compose a tune to lyrics that you sing into the computer. The first thing is to choose what kind of song you want to compose and then the computer plays a beat. Then you sing your song while the computer records the lyrics. When its finished it analyzes the notes you sing and then creates a tune based on your song.
I will admit that the promotional video looks pretty cheesy but I think its a great tool for amateurs and something that can be fun for anyone. Heck if you are a professional you might as well try it out with your lyrics and see what this tool kicks out. Songsmith will also let you play instrument as well as singing into it. This is great for composers that are looking for both tunes to go with their lyrics or melodys. The program looks like it does a pretty good job and its available to download right now as a trial. This trial lets you compose for six hours and then if you like it you can purchase it for $29.95.

- Image via Wikipedia
Ahh finally some time to relax. These past couple of weeks have been so busy due to the holidays, work and settling into my dad’s new place. It seems like its been forever since I’ve had some time just to sit down and slow down from all of the business that is life. It’s really sad because many of us fly through life so fast that there really isn’t time in care focused on living in the moment and cherishing it to it’s fullest.
This last month has been a very automated time for me. It started on a normal day with getting up around noon to three pm, then doing some chores, eating, going to work, eating dinner and then coming home from work around three to four am. It just got dull and tiring after a while. It was hard to give guest the kind of service that they deserve and expect however I pushed through. My last night working till next Friday was last night in which an older couple came up to me and in the middle of helping them, the wife told me that I had been one of the most delightful people they had dealt with that night. She continued that unfortunately the rest of the cast hadn’t been so pleasant to her and her husband. I really was pleased to hear that I had made her night special and as I always say the best part of my job is being able to make a difference. It’s good to know that even though they may have not had a great experience earlier, they left knowing that they’re really were people there that had their best interests at heart. I encourage everyone else to go make that difference too. It does not take allot of time of energy. Sometimes it just takes being friendly and letting someone feel special and cared for. You don’t have to be special or necessarily do anything special to make magic… You just have to be different and treat someone with kindness. Even after being so against working another big hour week, I felt as though I could not wait to go back but unfortunately I had other tasks.
Today I have been feverishly working on my chapel makeups that i was planning on turning in this morning but unfortunately will have to turn in on Tuesday. No sweat though because I have plenty done. It’s really brought me back though to settling down and being able to ponder over my maker. I’m definitely excited over some of the ones I’ve listen to now and can’t wait til I’m driving in about five hours to Las Vegas through His beautiful creation. One final thing that really touched me today was that Joel Osteen was talking about how the people in your life will come and go. Sometimes you just need to let those people go becase it is God’s plan. Unfortunately this is so true but I owe it to myself to move on to bigger and better things…. and Lord I’m ready.