So I have been wanting to post this for a couple of days now because I successfully recieved my Apple touch iPod last Friday and let me tell you – its pretty darn cool. I thought it was going to be too good to be true but let me tell you I was stoked when I was using it for the first time. Although there is one small issue I’ve had with it, was that the album covers on the cover flow did not all update when synced/ where all mixed up. Small issue but I absolutely love it :).
Here are some pictures:
Wow! There has just been so much going on lately. The past couple of days have just been flying by so fast, I dont know where they have gone. As you know I am now addicted to eBay and its pretty exciting/ nail bitting at the same time. Ive been selling a bunch of items and the other day I bought a touch iPod which hopefully I’ll be recieving fairly soon. I’m also busy with classes and homework. The dorm life has been interesting. But I must say the coolest thing that has happened in a long while is I got some lights to go over my desk so I can see it at night and those are fantastic. I was so thrilled to see them up and working. Hopefully I will have some more interesting updates. I hope to update my blog more regularly if I can. Oh… and I’ll be sure to post pictures of my touch iPod when I get it. Peace!