Wow! I had an amazing time at Walt Disney World with my dad this past week. It was such a cool experience to go but I am ready to have finally come home. Its totally different out there than I thought it would be. Anyways I’m going to go right now. I will hopefully post more later and post some pictures. I am posting this with Windows Live Writer Beta. Its pretty interesting and I’m considering using it in the future. Laters People. O yeah and the first day of school sucked today lol. But its great seeing everyone again.

I just returned from? the experince of a lifetime. I went to Rehoboth, Namibia in Africa for 2 weeks and really experience the fullness of Gods Love, Glory and Mercy. He is amazing and moves all the time in peoples life. Prayer is powerful.
? read more @ http://www.rockharborinnamibia.com/. (I designed that sucker).
Wow! This last Sunday I went to the beach with my mom and my sister… and well im totally red. Thats right I go a really bad sunburn. Everything is going well. I have been updating the Namibia site alot today and different things like that. Theres not much to do when you cant really go outside in the sun. It just hurts too much. Anyways its late and I’m out.
You must know wut I’m thinkin.
Okay the title says braces but that doesn’t come til the end. As you guys might know I have just been swamped with technology problems. Today I was finally able to get my computer shipped back to HP. I think it is pretty much instant repair so I should have my laptop back in very little time. So many things have happened, i just haven’t had the time to post about them all. The newest thing is I just got my braces off earlier today. Its soooooo cool! yehhhh me! lol but yeah anyways things are going pretty smooth. Just trying to keep the website up-to-date and school work up-to-date too. Youth group was fun tonight. We watched a Christian comedian and he has some funny stuff, so that was pretty cool. We went to Pedros – The best ever. I saw a wreck on the connector form the southbound 57 to the southbound 5 freeway. This white Durango was flipped over on its top and they had tons of fire and medical people there – that was pretty sad/ shocking. Other than that things have been pretty good. Hopefully I’ll update this more. lates.