So tonight I was with a friend and we went to Silverado, CA. It’s the freakiest drive ever and ugh so scary. Well anyways a couple of months ago I saw this old green classic car get pulled over by Sheriffs and searched. They had taken out bags and all kinds of stuff. It was like something you see out of like Saw 2. Anyways we were driving there again and the same frikin car was there. Scarrier yet.. my friend said she saw someone sitting in there. UGH! SO then we went home and all was good. I dropped her off then went to turn around and… OMG… I was looking straight at a green classic car. :-O. Anyways I’m gonna try to go to bed. Laters everyone!

So yeah today started out by finding out there’s a leak in the water main right in front of our house so the city will have to repair that soon. Then tonight when I was driving a friend home some car hit a wall on the freeway and spun around a couple of times and that was pretty darn scary. Above all that it hasn’t exactly totally sunken in that I move in, in 2 days.

When we woke up today it was pouring outside. It was pretty crazy and no one else was around the hotel :-/ kinda scary. Anyways it rained for a little while and the lightning was fierce… but unfortunately I didn’t have the luck of being struck by lightning.
After it cleared up we went out to lunch and then we were off to visit the Glenwood Caverns. In order to get up into the caves we had to take a ski lift. When we got there the lift was down so they were buss-in people up. Lucky us, after we got our tickets, they started the lift back up so we got to ride it up. When we go there we looked around n snapped some pictures. There was a sing up there that we all wanted to go on but it was pretty lame.
Then it was time to go in the caves so we met up with a tour guide from Romania. Shes was pretty nice. She thought we were making fun of her for her accent when all we were taking about was how many pictures i could take. So she got mad at us and was like “I’ve only been working here 2 days” :-o. haha. Anyways we went through some beautiful caves with some pretty cool formations. In all the tour was about an hour long.
After we went on this frikkin scary roller coaster. It took about an hour standing in line but finally we were off. They almost looked like sleds rolling down a metal track. They had breaks so you could brake if you needed to. Of course I’m a daredevil and was totally against that. Well forget not braking. Holy Crap! It was so scary. We all went so frikkin fast hahaha. It felt like I was gonna fly off the side of the cliff.
As soon as the adventure began, it ended. After we took a drive to Aspen which was nice but I was so tired it wasn’t that appealing. We shopped a little and went n got some pretty sweet pizza. cept my plate was COVERED with grease at the end. It was a pretty sweet town with nice public bathrooms and little cricks flowing in front of the businesses. After that we were on our way back for the night.
We pretty much have stayed up all night again tonight. haha. There was nothing open when we went out about 2am. LAME. Thank God for 7-11.
Here are some pics…

I believe the Grudge 2 was a great movie. It was suspenseful and left you wondering. Even now there are unanswered questions. Although there was a point where I thought the movie was going nowhere and wanted to opt-out and leave. Other than that it was great. Scary, haunting, thrilling and it leaves you wondering where Grudge 3 is going to go.