Yeah so I have been hella busy for a while. Stressin over my site, photography, school and all that stuff. Anyways there are alot of new things. Yesterday I had fun at youth group. After we went to Pedros – Yummy!!! Anyways I ordered and was about to give the lady cash and there it was… a spider on the counter. Well it was sorta freaky for me and especially for the lady at the cash register. So wut does she do? She blows it away. Wait… But I was standing right in front of her so she ended up blowing it on me – wut a dumb-butt lol. Anyways it was weird. Then next thing we know there were 2 sheriff cars that were burning rubber with sirens blowin and lights flashing – crap they were going fast. Next thing you know it was just Nick, Kevin and I. What do guys like? EXPLOSIONs!!! lol. So we had a 2 liter bottle full of Mountain Dew and well Nick tells us that it will explode if we put a bunch of Mentos in it. Well 7-11 was right across the street. So we go across and when we come out who is there? The Department of Homeland Security. lol! The randomest van in the world. So we went in the Pedro’s parking lot and threw some Mentos in but it was pretty weak. End of story. Then today was cool but then a bust. I took a bunch of background pictures for chapel and then later took some head shots for Krista. There were some pretty good ones in there I must admit. Then I went to the baseball game and it was raining. Sad sad. I couldn’t take any pictures & I got soaked. Anyways there has been a lot more going on but I’ll update this Later.

This is my new journal. I’m likin the look. Hopefully I’ll post in here on a daily basis so I can keep track of whats goin on. The first post is I had a bunch of fun today. Our Africa missions meeting went pretty well and it was cool. Then after we went to Kamalski’s and had some good stuff and talked about fund raising opportunities for our trip. Then later I uhh.. well went home and fell asleep cause I felt like crap and had a b!7ch3# headache. Then I went and got dinner and stuff and felt so sick from dinner (which wasn’t cool). But I had to stay strong and stick with it cause a Krista and I went and saran wrapped Cassie’s new van. Pretty cool. lol. The best part was when I was about to eff the neighborhood cat over for jumpin in the car. Good thing Krista had good eyes cause I almost left like $200 in the street. I guess the cat knocked them out of my car. – Well he’s dead next time I see him. – sorry Cassie.
ps. Hope u like ur van!