
Why Biola Rocks!

On Thursday October 9th, 2008, in Biola University, Entertainment, Ministry, by Michael Watson

Watch this video on youtube

Biola is probably the best school.. ever… ever ever ever…

-Directed and Produced by-
Colin Cabalka & Boye Fajinmi
-Written by-
Boye Fajimi
-Edited & Shot by-
Colin Cabalka
Colin Cabalka
Darren Lisle
The Biola Community
-Additional Footage-
Ben Winchell & Brandon Hahn
Mike Villa
-Original Music-
David Maemone

Sweeney Todd

On Monday February 18th, 2008, in Entertainment, Movies, by Michael Watson

Sweeney Todd Movie Poster

Sweeney Todd was such a great movie and that opinion come from someone that after the first 5 minutes, knew he was going to hate it. That’s right… at first I thought I was really going to dread the movie ass they sailed into port on their ship but then I started enjoying it. I thought it was really good. I understand that the whole idea of slitting people’s necks with razor blades isn’t the best thing in the world but I thought Johnny Depp singing about it was almost comical. I enjoyed it so much that I’m waiting to see if it comes out on Blu-Ray so I can purchase it and watch it on my new TV. 🙂

Friends that I talked to mostly liked it except for a couple that didn’t like it at all. I would recommend seeing it and let me know what you think about it. You can leave your opinions on the movie below.

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