Check out something ridiculously cool from the WWDC 2009 conference. There Apple had a semi-live updating board that would pulsate each time someone purchased an app. Developers called it the pulsating app store hyperwall, and pulsate it did. The idea that you can see all of these purchases happening in semi-real time in a graphical way is pretty neat. Plus I’m sure if you did some calculations based on the board you could tell the number of downloads (purchases) a day and the popularity of the different apps.
AppleInsider | Apple stuns WWDC crowd with pulsating App Store hyperwall.
To get a better look at the different applications on the wall, someone has made a photosynthesis. It’s a collection of over 200 close-up pictures stitched together to make one high quality portrait.
What you’re looking at:
Over 3,000 apps – and growing – are downloaded every minute from the App Store. This is a live feed showing the activity of 20,000 popular apps currently on the store. Every time a customer downloads an app, its icon lights up (5-min. delay).
How we made it:
This hyperwall was built using the latest in Apple technology. It’s powered by 20 Mac Pro towers running Mac OSX Snow Leopard. It was programmed in Quartz Composer using Open L APIs. And it’s shown on 20 synchronized 30-inch Apple Cinema HD Displays.