
New Beginnings Are Hard

On Wednesday August 22nd, 2007, in Biola University, School, by Michael Watson

So my first class of the new Semester was Studies in Critical Thinking & Writing with Prof. Sheri Jordan. It looked like it was going to be a fun but challenging class. Most of our grade is based on Essays and it looks like we will have nightly reading and journaling. But anyways I’m excited. I have my Principals of Accounting class later tonight… that will be interesting. Its almost 2.5 hours long :(.

My First Class :'(

On Wednesday August 22nd, 2007, in Biola University, School, by Michael Watson
Biola Centennial LogoImage via Wikipedia

Yeah so in about 20 minutes I am going to have my first official class at Biola University. I have Stds. in Critical Thinking/Writing and it should be interesting. Anyways wish me luck! I should be back soon.

Biola ID

On Friday July 27th, 2007, in Biola University, School, by Michael Watson
The BIOLA Building on Hope Street.Image via Wikipedia

Yeah so I got my Biola ID yesterday and I’m so excited. Its pretty darn cool lookin. Plus I have a great pic ;). Now I can get student drinks again at Chipotle. I also looked at the new business building and the classrooms look amazing. Anyways I can’t wait to study at the Crowell School of Business at Biola University. 🙂

Business Major

On Monday July 23rd, 2007, in Biola University, School, by Michael Watson

I have officially changed my major from Computer Science to Business Administration. Woooohooo! And thanks to the wonderful academic advising office because they changed my major and classes for me so that I wouldn’t have to go through getting signatures and switching all my classes over after the beginning of the semester. I’m so excited to be going to Biola this year. 🙂 I should be getting my ID card later this week. fun fun.