Today I went to see the World Vision Experience at Crystal Cathedral in Garden Grove, CA. It was such a profound experience and brought back many of the memories and experiences that I had in Africa. The exhibit displays the heartbreaking reality through the stories of 4 African children who have gone through the journey of having AIDs or knowing someone who has had AIDS. I would definately suggest taking a look at it. The Exhibit will be at Crystal Cathedral till Jan 20th and is open til 6 each day.

I just returned from? the experince of a lifetime. I went to Rehoboth, Namibia in Africa for 2 weeks and really experience the fullness of Gods Love, Glory and Mercy. He is amazing and moves all the time in peoples life. Prayer is powerful.
? read more @ http://www.rockharborinnamibia.com/. (I designed that sucker).

This is my new journal. I’m likin the look. Hopefully I’ll post in here on a daily basis so I can keep track of whats goin on. The first post is I had a bunch of fun today. Our Africa missions meeting went pretty well and it was cool. Then after we went to Kamalski’s and had some good stuff and talked about fund raising opportunities for our trip. Then later I uhh.. well went home and fell asleep cause I felt like crap and had a b!7ch3# headache. Then I went and got dinner and stuff and felt so sick from dinner (which wasn’t cool). But I had to stay strong and stick with it cause a Krista and I went and saran wrapped Cassie’s new van. Pretty cool. lol. The best part was when I was about to eff the neighborhood cat over for jumpin in the car. Good thing Krista had good eyes cause I almost left like $200 in the street. I guess the cat knocked them out of my car. – Well he’s dead next time I see him. – sorry Cassie.
ps. Hope u like ur van!